It is not that every car battery can work forever. Many of them have a long battery life, while some others do not. So, what cause of dead car battery ?

The fact shows many possible factors that can kill your vehicles electronic provider.

Besides, several drivers could consider a bad alternator as an element ruining the battery. And human errors are also not an exception sometimes.

Knowing about the problems can help protect and maintain the devices for a long period of time.

For a better understanding, lets look into a detailed explanation of why wont your car battery hold a charge .

What Cause Of Dead Car Battery?

Battery Age

Another top killer is the battery age. An old device can never work as well as the new one.

The average lifespan of a typical car battery often ranges from three to five years. That said, this period could get shortened by the cold weather.

Battery Corrosion

Warum ist es immer wichtig zu wissen , wie man korrodierte Batteriekabel reinigt ? It is because corrosion also can kill your car battery.

Seit Jahren kann die Batteriesäure zu Korrosion führen (insbesondere an den Verbindungspunkten um die Batterie). Durch den Korrodieren der Batteriesäure wird der Akku schwächer.

Menschlicher Fehler

Menschlicher Fehler - Was bedeutet es?

Zum Beispiel erinnern Sie sich in Eile möglicherweise nicht daran, die Scheinwerfer der Autos auszuschalten. Wenn diese Lichter einige Stunden eingeschaltet bleiben, was wird dann passieren? Die Batterie würde bald abtropfen und sterben.

Elektronische Parasiten

? Und die Antwort lautet Ja (aber es gilt nicht für alle Fälle).

Das Gerät wird in der Regel vollständig entladen, wenn es um eine tote Autokatterie geht. Gleichzeitig liegt die Batteriespannung unter dem Niveau von 12 V.

Und Sie können das Fahrzeug nicht starten, nachdem Sie es ausgeschaltet haben. Als Lösung empfehlen wir, das Fahrzeug zu starten und zu fahren, damit die Lichtmaschine die Ladung wieder auffüllen kann.

Eine andere Möglichkeit besteht darin, diese tote Batterie am Batterieladegerät anzubringen. Beispielsweise erreicht die Spannung nur unter 12,2. In diesem Fall müssen Sie ein Trickle -Ladegerät vorbereiten, um eine Überhitzung zu vermeiden.

Die beste Idee für alle ohne mechanische Erfahrung ist es, Dienstleistungen für Hilfe anzurufen. Natürlich müssen Sie einige Gebühren bezahlen.

How To Prevent A Car Battery From Dying?

Not Turning The Vehicle On, Then Off Again

Some drivers may misunderstand this move. This repetition does not help power up the engine. By contrast, it could harm your vehicle for sure.

Avoiding Short Drives

What can drain a car battery when its off ? Sometimes, it could be the way you run the vehicle.

Besides turning the car on/off continuously, taking short drives is also a common cause. It tends to deplete the battery (especially the weak one). So, you should avoid it as much as possible.

Driving For 15 Minutes (At Least) At A Time

Instead of short drives, running your vehicle for at least 15 to 20 minutes at a time would be better. This amount is enough for you to top up the battery charge.

If You Have More Than One Car, Alternate Trips

When there is more than one car in your household, why dont you switch them for each other? This tip helps ensure that the cars batteries wont be left out for too long and discharge themselves.

Checking Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicle Manuals

This advice is not suitable for all automobile manufacturers. That said, you can apply it to most cars.

To put it simply, we suggest putting the plugin hybrid and electric vehicles in the ready mode every few weeks. It helps charge the car battery.

Ensuring A New Battery To Meet The Cars Specifications

The automobile will not get enough power to restart unless you equip it with a compatible battery. The unmatched options tend to prevent the engine from getting fully recharged.

Unplugging Unnecessary Accessories

No one wants the new car battery dead after 2 weeks , especially in lockdown.

Thus, unplugging unnecessary accessories when not used is a good idea. For instance, the dash cams can cause the battery to drain after weeks if you leave them on.

Letzter Gedanke

So now, you already know what cause of dead car battery . Regardless of the reasons, regular proper maintenance is always the key. It helps protect a healthy electronic providing system for your vehicle.

Also, you will not have to waste time and money fixing problems. For any further inquiries about battery issues, feel free to drop us a line.

Stay tuned and wait for our upcoming helpful topics.