Your car wont start right after turning off one day. Then, you discover that its battery dies after checking the whole vehicle. So, can you recharge dead car battery ?

It is not a strange issue that numerous drivers sometimes face with faulty car battery issues. And most of them find it impossible to bring the vehicle to life. However, the fact shows a different story.

In other words, you can 100% solve this problem if you know the way. For those who still get confused, we bring here tips on how to charge a car battery (even the dead ones).

But lets find the answer to our big question first.

Can You Recharge Dead Car Battery?

in a normal way. As a solution, jumpstarting the vehicle should be the first idea.

There is another question. How long can a car battery remain dead and still be recharged ? It is never a good idea to repeat this option so many times.

The regular dead-battery recharging could negatively affect the battery life and the whole car engine over time.

Is It Safe To Jumpstart A Dead Battery?

There will be no trouble if you follow the safety precautions. If you can ensure it, jumpstarting the dead vehicle battery is 100% safe.

Below is a list of several safety measures you need to know as dead car battery tricks .

  • Before connecting jumper cables, turn off two cars.
  • Always maintain a connection between the cables and the dead vehicle battery.
  • Taking precautions to handle the cables when the power is running through them. Do not touch two ends of those cables at the same time.
  • Understanding and following the jump-starting instructions mentioned in your vehicles manual.
  • Preparing a jump-starter pack if you find it unsafe to use jumper cables.

And now, it is time to jumpstart the battery.

How To Jumpstart A Dead Car Battery?

  1. Bringing two cars close.
  2. Turning the engines off.
  3. Connecting the positive terminal to the positive terminal ends of two vehicles.
  4. Connecting the negative terminal to the negative terminal ends of two vehicles.
  5. Ensuring to follow the safety tips or precautions.
  6. Starting the working vehicle.
  7. Starting your vehicle with the dead battery.
  8. Disconnecting the cables after the battery gets fully charged.

How long to charge a dead car battery with jumper cables ?

It often takes from 2 to 4 hours. But the amount of time should be 24 hours to charge the battery fully.

अतिरिक्त विकल्प

Should You Revive A Dead Car Battery Or Replace It?

2. बैटरी टर्मिनलों की सफाई

धातु सामग्री के कारण, बैटरी टर्मिनल अक्सर जंग की परतों के साथ क्षेत्र होते हैं। आप जंग को हटाने के लिए पानी और बेकिंग सोडा के मिश्रण के साथ ब्रश का उपयोग करके उन्हें साफ कर सकते हैं।

3. वोल्टेज की जाँच करना

वोल्टेज मीटर का उपयोग करने से आपको बैटरी वोल्टेज की स्थिति की जांच करने में मदद मिलती है।

उस डिवाइस के साथ टर्मिनलों को जोड़ने के बाद, आपके लिए पढ़ने की जांच करने का समय है। एक पुनरावर्ती प्रक्रिया बैटरी को पुनर्जीवित कर सकती है यदि आंकड़ा 12.6 से कम है।

4. बैटरी एसिड की सफाई

5. बैटरियों की कोशिकाओं की सफाई

इस चरण में, आप पानी और बेकिंग सोडा के मिश्रण का भी उपयोग करते हैं। बैटरी ढक्कन खोलने के बाद, आप कोशिकाओं के अंदर तरल डालते हैं।

अगला, आप लिड्स को बंद करते हैं और 2 मिनट के लिए बैटरी हिलाना शुरू करते हैं। Then, it is time to empty the battery.

6. Reconditioning Battery

This step requires an electrolyte solution, including boiling water and Epsom salt .

This electrolyte solution means that you fill the battery cell with the mixture above. As a result, it will help increase both amps and voltage.

7. Charging Reconditioned Battery

It would help if you used a charger for this step. After affixing the terminals of two devices, you only need to wait for the battery to get fully charged.

8. Doing A Battery Test

Hence, it would help to give your car periodic checks and routine maintenance.