There are always ways to get rid of corrosion from the car battery. But what do you clean corroded battery terminals with ?

We want to recommend several options, including using some battery cleaners, baking soda, cola, etc.

And the following is a step-by-step instruction.

Method 1: Using Baking Soda

You need to examine the whole device for cracks. If you found any, it is time to make a replacement.

Шаг 5

Another case needing replacement is the sign of tears in battery clamps and cables. We suggest replacing the new device with large rips as soon as possible.

Шаг 6

How do you remove green corrosion from battery terminals ?

This step requires you to prepare a cleaning mixture. It combines 15ml of baking soda and 250ml of hot water. And do not forget to wear protective gloves.

After dipping a toothbrush or wire brush into that mixture, you use that tool to scrub the batterys surface.

By this step, you can remove the corrosion buildup. In terms of the cables with a thick corroded layer, it would help to dip the cables ends into the hot water for better dissolving.

Шаг 7

It is time to scour both posts and clamps of the battery using the toothbrush or wire brush. But first, do not forget to soak that brush into the baking soda for a better cleaning solution if needed.

Step 8

After brushing, the next step is to rinse both cables and the battery in clean water. Besides, you must ensure that all corrosion and baking soda go away. If not, they could leave a worse problem later.

Then, you wipe everything with a cloth and let them dry.

Шаг 9

The battery posts, clamps, and positive/negative terminals will not work well if you forget to lubricate them after cleaning.

You can apply some petroleum jelly or use a battery terminal protection spray for this requirement.

You can also check for and tighten the loose battery terminals in this step.

Шаг 10

When all steps get done, you re-attach both positive and negative battery cable clamps to their right terminals. Next, using a wrench will help tighten the nuts.

Besides method no.1, how to clean car battery corrosion without baking soda ? Another suggestion is the cola. In addition, using vinegar to clean battery corrosion is also not a bad idea.

Method 2: Doing Emergency Cleaning With Cola

Шаг 1

It would help if you prepared a wrench of the right size and a pair of gloves for this process.

Шаг 2

By using the wrench, you loosen the battery terminals. But the cables should not get 100% removed.

Шаг 3

You pour the cola onto the battery in one direction. And then, you repeat the step in the other direction.

Шаг 4

Wait for 2 minutes so that cola can remove the corrosion. Next, you rinse the device with water and tighten all terminals. Then, pat the cables and battery dry with a towel or cloth.

How To Identify Corroded Battery Cables?

The checking process is simple because you only need to let the vehicle cool down and open the hood tp inspect. In this way, it becomes easier to see whether there is any leak or corrosion.

Doing A Thorough Check

If a quick look makes no sense, it would be better to call the service for help. Besides, the mechanics will inform you about any need to replace a new battery.


Instead of focusing on what to do if your battery cables are corroded , it would help to care what to put on battery terminals to prevent corrosion . In other words, it is always better to prevent than cure.

We suggest monitoring your driving behavior all the time. Neither overcharging or discharging can help increase the battery lifespan .

Also, a regular check is a must to ensure no issue with your vehicle battery. And the final essential note is to clean the terminals so that there is no future corrosion at all.

Окончательная мысль

It is all about how to clean corroded battery cables . Also, we mention several ways of determining symptoms and preventions. In general, ensuring a healthy battery means keeping your drive safe.

So, we hope that the information above can help your journeys.

If you have any questions related to battery corrosion, we are always ready to help.