Motor oil is important for your vehicle and functions for only one mission: to keep your engine lubricated.

When mixing two different types of oil, understanding their distinct features is essential, be it a lighter oil or a denser one. One example is 10w30 and 5w30. Can you mix 10w30 and 5w30?

Its not recommended to combine two types of oils together, but many people still do that. How does it affect the engine performance or transmission?

In this guide, we will instruct you on how to mix two types, such as mixing 10w30 and 5w30 , so that your vehicle still works properly. Keep on reading to discover!

Can You Mix 5w30 With 10w30?

The result is that the thinner viscosity in oil types makes the flow to the top ends.

All in all, its possible to blend them. However, to reach the most benefit for your car, only go for the one your manual recommends.

How To Mix 10w30 and 5w30

Can I mix 5w30 with 10w30 ? Yes, if you get the know-how. When mixing the two types of oil in different weights, the technique is to pour the light one into the engine first, so here goes the 5w30.

Next, add the heavier one - 10w30 on the top, above the light oils. This way, it will allow the motor oils to be mixed properly.

Theres one thing that you should avoid doing is mixing synthetic oils and conventional ones.

Il est important d'examiner les poids des huiles moteurs que vous allez ajouter, et ils devraient être similaires en poids afin qu'ils puissent fonctionner au même rythme.

The weather is also a key factor when you consider its correct weight, or you will damage the engine.

What Happens When You Mix 5W30 with 10W30?

Comme mentionné, le 10W30 a plus de densité que le 5W30, vous devez donc être alerte que l'écoulement finira au sommet lorsque c'est en saison froide. Besides, you can choose the 10w30 for carrying heavy loads.

In short, it causes no trouble to add those two together and still works efficiently as normal. You just cant benefit from the warranty anymore.

Does Mixing 5W30 with 10W30 Affect Your Engine?

Puis-je mélanger 10W 30 avec 5W 30: Essayez nos conseils

  • Using an additive should follow the suggested direction. Adding an additive can improve the two types of blends, but if you fail this, the side effect can be serious, leading to engine failure.
  • Remember to examine its level when you have completed the mixing step. Before starting your car right away, look at the level in case you can see theres not enough oil weight inside the tank. It would help if you went with the level recommended by the manual.
  • Dont let the oil spill when mixing, as this will lead to a burning oil smell through vents in your car.
  • If you are still afraid of something, lets ask a mechanic for help. He will have a safe way to mix them successfully.


    Est-il sûr de mélanger 10W40 avec 10W30?

    Oui, il est acceptable de mélanger 10W40 et 10W30, sauf pour les basses temps extrêmes. Cependant, le mélange de ces deux huiles n'est pas recommandé car ils augmenteront la pression d'huile une fois qu'il est devenu un tour à forte régime.

    Pourquoi les conducteurs sont-ils susceptibles de mélanger les huiles de moteur?

    La différence entre eux n'est pas si importante, vous pouvez donc les mélanger en toute sécurité et facilement

    Vous pouvez utiliser des additifs pour les faire se combiner mieux et demander au fabricant si nécessaire.