Motor oil is important for your vehicle and functions for only one mission: to keep your engine lubricated.

When mixing two different types of oil, understanding their distinct features is essential, be it a lighter oil or a denser one. One example is 10w30 and 5w30. Can you mix 10w30 and 5w30?

Its not recommended to combine two types of oils together, but many people still do that. How does it affect the engine performance or transmission?

In this guide, we will instruct you on how to mix two types, such as mixing 10w30 and 5w30 , so that your vehicle still works properly. Keep on reading to discover!

Can You Mix 5w30 With 10w30?

All in all, its possible to blend them. However, to reach the most benefit for your car, only go for the one your manual recommends.

How To Mix 10w30 and 5w30

Can I mix 5w30 with 10w30 ? Yes, if you get the know-how. When mixing the two types of oil in different weights, the technique is to pour the light one into the engine first, so here goes the 5w30.

Next, add the heavier one - 10w30 on the top, above the light oils. This way, it will allow the motor oils to be mixed properly.

Theres one thing that you should avoid doing is mixing synthetic oils and conventional ones.

É importante examinar os pesos dos óleos do motor que você acrescentará, e eles devem ter peso semelhante para que possam funcionar na mesma taxa.

The weather is also a key factor when you consider its correct weight, or you will damage the engine.

What Happens When You Mix 5W30 with 10W30?

Como mencionado, o 10W30 tem mais densidade que o 5W30, então você deve estar alerta de que o fluxo acabará no topo quando estiver na estação fria. Besides, you can choose the 10w30 for carrying heavy loads.

In short, it causes no trouble to add those two together and still works efficiently as normal. You just cant benefit from the warranty anymore.

Does Mixing 5W30 with 10W30 Affect Your Engine?

Posso misturar 10W 30 com 5W 30: Experimente nossas dicas

  • Lembre -se de examinar seu nível quando tiver concluído a etapa de mistura. Antes de iniciar seu carro imediatamente, olhe para o nível, caso você possa ver que não há peso de óleo suficiente dentro do tanque. Ajudaria se você fosse com o nível recomendado pelo manual.
  • Não deixe o derramamento de óleo ao misturar, pois isso levará a um cheiro de óleo em chamas através de aberturas no seu carro.
  • Se você ainda tem medo de alguma coisa, vamos pedir ajuda a um mecânico. Ele terá uma maneira segura de misturá -los com sucesso.

    Perguntas frequentes

    Why Are Drivers Likely to Blend Motor Oils?

    Sometimes, you run low on oils, and its hard for you to look for the same brand you have been pouring, or maybe you want to change something new for your vehicle.

    In many chances, you will end up refilling a different regular one when you run out of old oil on the way to your destination.

    Your car still works properly at that time, provided that you comply with the rule.

    If you want to try something new other than the old one suggested by the manual, itd be better to consider whether it is similar or at least comparable to the old one.

    Otherwise, some adverse effects can happen to your car.


    Can you mix 10w30 and 5w30 ? This is a common question when it comes to refilling new oil to your engine. It can be another popular question apart from mixing ethanol and non-ethanol gas in cars .

    As we explain the difference between the two oils, we hope you can find the answer. Mixing the different types of oil viscosity is not advisable, but doing it still does no harm to your healthy engine.

    The difference between them is not so significant, so you can blend them safely and easily

    You can use additives to make them combine better and ask the manufacturer if needed.