Brake power low highlander is often derived from the faulty braking system. In general, brake fluid and oil issues and defective brake lines are the most common reason that leads to the problem.

Apart from these, faulty brake pads, master cylinder, vacuum pump, and ECM are also contributors to this problem.

Lets go through the details!

1. Problems With The Fluid Flow

2. Air In Brake Lines

As mentioned above, the power depends on the oil flow. However, when the air penetrates the line, it will degrade the efficiency of the flow.

If you push the pedal, it will give out hydraulic force, and then the force will move tothe calipers . The calipers impact the pads and the motors to stop the car.

Once the air gets into the system, it will make the brake pedal become soft and spongy even after bleeding . You can check out this problem by pressing the pedal deeply.

3. Low Brake Oil

Another possible reason that leads to Toyota highlander brake power low is the brake oil. Given that oil runs on the brake lines surface, when the surface is eroded or pierced, the liquid will drip down.

Consequently, the amount of liquid from the cylinder will gradually decrease along the running process; hence, the braking power is weakened.

This situation will be alerted through the braking power warning messages on the car screen.

4. Fault In Master Cylinder

5. Faulty ECM

The Electronic Control Module glitch is one of the root causes for brake power low Toyota highlander.

In short, ECM is a system that is in charge of monitoring the braking engine as well as the air compressor in a vehicle.

The ECM will increase or decrease the braking power depending on the force on the pedal.

If there is a malfunction in the ECM system, it can even reverse the normal process. For this reason, you should check for the brake warning on the dashboard.

6. Error Vacuum Pump

Needless to say, the stopping process cant go well when there is air on the lines. Therefore, the vacuum pump is installed to evacuate the air from the brake booster.

As such, if there is something wrong with the pump, air will sneak into the system and hinder your braking process.

7. Defective Brake Pads

Things You Can DIY

Brake lines: These internal brake system components can run well after some simple fixes. You should clean up the lines frequently to remove the clogged fluid in the system.

If the lines were curved, you had better replace them with a new one because straightening the line will make it more vulnerable.

The fluid: The braking system can not operate properly without fluid. Therefore, remember to refill the fluid once in three to four months.

The pads: There is no other way but to replace the pads once they are eroded.

Things That Needs Qualified Professionals

And, somehow, it will suspend the car operation. Remember to have your Toyota cleaned as soon as possible.


In a nutshell, Toyota Highlander braking power low is initiated from the malfunction of the braking system.

Among the related elements, error brake lines are the most frequent problems since they connect the cylinder and brake pads.

You can tackle these problems by replacing the new one or make a clean-up inside the lines.

Some other possible causes are faulty master cylinder and defective ECM; however, these components need to be handled by the advanced level specialist.

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