Are you tired of a stuck seal in your cars engine bay and confused about which way to turn oil filter loose? Dont worry, as this simple task will be solved in this writing.

The information below is so comprehensive that beginners or amateurs can understand how this component functions and the solutions when it is over-secured.

There are also recommendations for tools that you should purchase for optimal repair.

Oil Filter Review

When it comes to dirty oil change, there are problems like transmission slipping or the filter will get clogged soon, and its function will be affected.

The oil filter also reduces the effect of broken elements on the others. Particularly, when an engine part is damaged, there are possibly metal particles shooting out.

The filter will trap them inside, stopping them from damaging other components.

Moreover, a high-quality oil filter is worth your investment as it provides better function and requires less repair.

A low-quality one even costs you more for maintenance due to regular breakup or clogging.

Why Oil Filter Wont Unscrew

til fjernelse let.

Without proper lubrication, two metal surfaces of the seal and the housing would be glued together. It results in sticking or breaking, with minor particles dropping out during the removal.

Which Way To Turn Oil Filter

Car owners would have sandpaper available. If you have not got this product, it is easy to purchase and requires little investment.

This type of paper grit grabs and makes the filter move more easily. Performing this technique with either hands or an oil filter swivel wrench is fine.

Method 3: Screwdriver and Hammer

Under nogle omstændigheder kan filtreringselementet begynde at knuse, før de vrider af, og du har brug for disse to værktøjer, en skruetrækker og en hammer, for at håndtere dette problem.

How challenging the repairing process is depends on the position of this component. Get an oil pan or some PIG mats in your hands, as the fixing would make a mess.

The first step is hammering a screwdriver, of which the head is long and flat, directly through the stuck filter. Then, turn the screwdriver and make sure the power is enough to get the component pulled off.

Drive the screwdriver as high as possible to avoid shearing off. Meanwhile, if the filter begins to shear, stop your current movement. Take a wrench to wrap around this part.

In the worst condition, when you can not handle the problem, shear the rest part with the assistance of a hammer and vice grips.

However, this process requires certain techniques and effort; only shear off the filters bottom when there is no other option.

Method 4: Use a FilterCup Wrench

Apply a pretty huge force through the wrench to loosen the stuck element. This method does not require any other support; just make sure you know which direction to turn oil filter .

The range of cups can be compatible to multiple sizes of the component. Try not to get confused or choose a too large cup.

Or else the over-secured part would get damaged before fixing. Once the cup has reached the bottom part, the filter will change in shape to accommodate it.

You can either purchase a full set or a single cup for this method. Although buying one cup is cheaper, you just have limited use for only one dimension of the component.

Method 5: Use a Three-Leg Adapter Wrench

When it comes to the oil filter cartridge, there are threads covering this part. Thus, the solution for this situation is a three-leg adapter wrench.

To typiske typer tilbydes det faste værktøj, som brugerne ikke kan justere. Det betyder, at den faste adapternøgle bruges specielt til kun en filterdimension.

Den anden type har ben med fleksibelt justerbar bredde, der anvendes til en lang række filtre. Du må bedre investere i den anden type for større evne og praktisk.

Hvordan får du et oliefilter af med hånden?

Before removing, use a paper towel to wipe down the grease on the filter. This method offers better grip for you to turn the component counterclockwise.

Tips For Removing A Stuck Oil Filter

5. Avoid over-tightening. The oil filter, especially the new one, can be easily over-secured. Ensure that the seal is not tightened with great force after an oil change. It is advised to secure the screw by hand and use special tools for the last quarter after that.


Whats The Best Oil Filter Removal Tool?

Although numerous removal methods are recommended, the cup oil filter set is the most superior tool for this task.

It encourages users to apply the most force in removing the seal and offers a wide range of options for diversified component sizes.

Also, the cup wrench set provides significant power with little damage to the shell and is easy to use. Thats why it is considered the best choice and has the most professional performance.

Can I Change The Oil Without Changing The Oil Filter?

It is important to choose a relevant method, proper tools, and apply suitable force for removal.

Consider and follow the tips above to have an effective repair for your cars component.