Once you get bored of this fake taxi trend, feel at ease to remove it and apply a new interesting one. Five helpful methods below will assist you greatly:

Use Baking Soda

Baking soda is the most common method that works out most of the stickers. The mixture includes a cup of cooking oil with added baking soda.

Then, tap the mix evenly on the entire fake taxi decal. Wait for a while until the sticker soaks utterly.

It is so effortless to remove the fake taxi sticker using a plastic card or scraper. Or else, your bare hand is also fine as baking soda contains no toxic compounds.

Noticeably, avoid applying any baking soda if the placement area is the tinted glass because the tint will end up damaging.

Use Soapy Water

Apply this method when you have pulled off the sticker, but the left paper or adhesive residue remains.

Prepare a warm water bucket and add some dish soap or washing detergent. Take a small soft rag and dip it into this well-mixed solution.

Then, slowly apply the liquid on the adhesive exposure and repeat this process several times.

Once the glue absorbs all the moisture, start peeling. You can use the plastic card, scraper, or even your fingers to clear the residual sticker.

That adhesive area on the car window may turn out stubborn and annoying. So it would help if you treat it like the way you remove 3M tape .

Use Specialized Window Cleaner

window cleaner , a ready mix.

Spray the liquid on the removing sticker space and wait for several minutes. You can easily rip it off when the sticker has absorbed the moisture and become soft.

As usual, scrape a sticker out the window with a plastic scraper or bare fingers. Remember to clean gently to protect your windshield from damage.

Then, take a towel to wipe the glass to make it dry and look clean.

Use Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is also proficient in scraping off fake taxi stickers. Pour some rubbing alcohol on a dry soft towel.

Next, gently wipe the sticker area with that towel. Once fully soaked, the sticker becomes soft and bubbling.

Next, similar to the above method, you use a plastic scraper or plastic card to fully clean that surface. Ta et nytt håndkle fylt med alkohol for å skrape rester hvis det gjenstår flekker.

Bruk limrens

Kort oppsummert

Inntil disse linjene, vedder vi på at informasjonen ovenfor har hjulpet deg å forstå tydelig om falske taxi -vindusklistremerke.

Vinduets dekal stammer fra en morsom video om en mann som later til å være en taxisjåfør for å tiltrekke seg en jente.

Denne nye trenden ser ut til å bli veldig attraktiv og morsom. Hvis du ønsker å bruke dette dekalet på kjøretøyet ditt, ikke nøl med å gjøre det umiddelbart.

La oss kjøpe en passende falsk taxisiklermodell og følge applikasjonsmetoden.

Treff deretter veien og vis frem din personlige stil.