To begin with , what is a fake taxi window decal? This car decal includes bold letters fake taxi filled with bright yellow color. It will highlight your vehicle among the crowd.

When it comes to fake taxi car decals, we ensure you find them quite funny and interesting. But once you get to know the fake taxi window sticker meaning, your reaction will be even more surprising.

In this article, we will explain clearly to you all-around things regarding the story behind this fake taxi sticker.

Keep reading until the bottom to figure out the actual sticker meaning, where to get and put on the decal, or the way to remove the sticker when you have an interest in another trend.

Fake Taxi Window Sticker Meaning

Why does a normal car have that sticker on?

They consider it a strange joke that the younger generation is prone to make.

Where To Get A Fake Taxi Sticker

Now you know the fake taxi meaning , but where to buy it? There are several online websites you can visit to purchase fake taxi stickers.

Tapping on the search bar on Google, you will see many reliable pages with reasonable prices.

On average, each sticker costs you solely 5 dollars. But depending on different customized styles and sizes, the price will fluctuate.

Where To Stick Fake Taxi Stickers

Before applying, you should know where you can put the fake taxi sticker properly on your vehicle. This stage is very important as the position will offer a good adherence and highlighted look.

Most drivers prefer to apply decals on the surrounding windows or the back ones. With this placement, other people can easily catch a clear sight of them.

Apart from those spots, you can also adhere stickers on the trunk or bumper.

Il est encore plus visible pour les autres conducteurs de voir et d'interagir avec vous. Also, with these positions, you look more sophisticated and cooler.

Comment mettre de faux décalcomanies pour voitures de taxi

1. Clean The Surface

After deciding exactly where to place the decal sticker, start the first crucial step - clean the surface. Prepare a car detergent spray, a cleaning cloth, and a mixture of 50% rubbing alcohol and 50% plain water.

Dont worry about the rubbing alcohol, which will not damage car paint or leave any waxy residue to mitigate the adhesive of the fake taxi sticker.

Remember to clean a larger area than the applied sticker size. This way creates more space enabling the most precise position according to your desire.

This step also eliminates the possible weird bumps or unsticking after applying the decal sticker. So make sure to have a good start.

2. Position The Sticky Area

Once the cleaning is done, lets locate where the fake taxi sticker will appear. We ensure you want to focus well on this step.

Or else, you may suffer troubles like wrong sticking placement or peeling off and resticking. Those issues will more or less scratch the outer paint layer or leave sticky stains.

Our useful tip is to put the fake taxi sticker on the spotted space and imagine how it will turn out.

This way, you can foresee several outcomes without the likelihood of damaging the stickers protective backing.

3. Stick It On Carefully

fake taxi bumper sticker. A mixture including 95% clean water and just 5% soap will get the job done right.

Next, use anchors to hold the sticker in place. Start slowly peeling the fake taxi decals backing from the edge bottom and avoid touching the adhesive exposure.

Spray soapy water on the adhesive and use your thumb to press and thoroughly smooth from the center to push the messy-looking bubbles out to the edges.

4. Lisser les bulles flottantes

Alors que nous profitons de l'eau savonneuse pour adhérer au faux autocollant de taxi, cela peut conduire à des bulles en désordre flottantes ou à des rides irritantes.

La meilleure affaire serait la raclette qui lissera tous les obstacles comme des bosses ou une série de petites bulles.

5. Enlever la bande de transfert

Comment se débarrasser des faux décalcomanies de taxi

Une fois que la colle absorbe toute l'humidité, commencez à se décoller. Vous pouvez utiliser la carte en plastique, le grattoir ou même vos doigts pour nettoyer l'autocollant résiduel.

Cette zone adhésive sur la fenêtre de la voiture peut se révéler obstinée et ennuyeuse. Cela aiderait donc si vous le traitez comme la façon dont vous supprimez une bande 3M .

Utilisez un nettoyeur de fenêtres spécialisé

Un autre moyen efficace de supprimer les faux décalcomanies de taxi est le nettoyant des fenêtres , un mélange prêt.

Vaporisez le liquide sur l'espace des autocollants enrichissant et attendez plusieurs minutes. Vous pouvez facilement le déchirer lorsque l'autocollant a absorbé l'humidité et devenir doux.

Comme d'habitude, grattez un autocollant par la fenêtre avec un grattoir en plastique ou des doigts nus. N'oubliez pas de nettoyer doucement pour protéger votre pare-brise des dommages.

Ensuite, prenez une serviette pour essuyer le verre pour le faire sécher et avoir l'air propre.

Utiliser de l'alcool à friction

Utiliser un nettoyant adhésif