Există legături între lumina de control a tracțiunii pornită și mașina nu va accelera? Dacă da, ce sunt și cum ar trebui să ajungeți acolo pentru a rezolva cel mai eficient problema?

Instrucțiunile întregi sunt setate pentru a explora! Citiți mai departe pentru a afla mai multe.

Cum funcționează lumina de tracțiune pe o mașină?

You will recognize it anyway regardless of the appearance owing to the initials TC or a picture of what seems to be a car with lines curving away from the tires.

De ce lumina de control a tracțiunii continuă să pornească la accelerare?

Un lucru de ținut notă este faptul că chiar și senzorii de viteză de înaltă calitate și roțile premium nu persistă pentru totdeauna.

Loose connections and corrosion can develop over time as a result of their exposure to the environment, which can lead to inaccurate readings from the sensor to the Traction Control Module (TCM).

2. Senzor de unghi de direcție defect

Another factor that might prevent your traction control light on no acceleration from turning off is a malfunctioning power steering angle sensor.

Without this function active properly, the vehicle shall not be informed of the gear you are in, the direction your front wheels are turning, or whether they are reversing too quickly.

Your TCS since then cannot determine and set a restriction on how much slip during acceleration is allowed on the tires, triggering the warning lights.

Acesta este motivul pentru care eșecul acestui senzor de servodirecție este al doilea motiv cel mai probabil pentru care lumina de tracțiune este aprinsă.

3. Modul de control al tracțiunii defectuoase

How Do I Fix My Traction Control Light On And Car Wont Accelerate?

The fairly good news is: Theres no point freaking out when your TCL is on in favorable weather.

The first step to troubleshoot such a mishap is to find a secure place to stop and restart your automobile.

When you crank up your car again, there are many likelihoods the light will stop acting abnormally and stay off as it should be.

What if restarting the car has done nothing to eliminate this common issue?

As such, it will be necessary to take your pet vehicle to an authorized technician who can read the computer or engine code of the car and offer the best remedy to fix it.

Remember to carefully drive to your repair shop and avoid any sudden acceleration that can make your tires skid.

Can We Drive With Traction Control Light On?

Da, poti. The thing is: While driving with the TCL on is often safe, there are several situations where it is not.

Under circumstances where the red brake light warning, anti-lock braking system (anti-lock brakes, so-called ABS) light, or traction control keeps turning on , leading to your entire braking system eventually being impacted, driving is certainly the least you vreau sa fac.

How Much Does It Cost To Fix Traction Control On A Car?

Taxes and other costs plus your geographic area are not included in this price range.


The traction control light on and car wont accelerate regularly indicates that your car is operating well since it maintains traction on a slippery surface.

However, it might also signify that certain sensors or wiring in your car are broken.

In either case, we recommend you take your car to a certified dealer to avoid the worst that may occur.