Denne delen vil lære deg hvordan du kan gjøre batteri -terminalen strammere . Følg denne enkle prosessen!


  • Ren fille
  • Arbeidshansker
  • Stålbørste
  • Skrujern


Step 4: Pick The Correct Socket Size

The information in step 2 will be useful for this step in this guideline. Now, choose the proper socket size for the terminal type youve determined.

Connect it to the ratchet while paying attention, and remember which side each cable is attached to. If they are labeled, the job is easier for you.

Step 5: Scrub The Terminals

The dust may clog up and make the battery terminal not tight enough , resulting in you having to do the job again on a sooner date. This extra resistance can even make the cells not function properly.

Thats why a little scrubbing and cleaning them off will ensure this methods success. A wire brush should be enough to help clean the cables thoroughly.

Step 6: Fix The Cables Into The Appropriate Cables

Når de er rene etter skrubbingen, avslutter prosessen ved å feste klemmene til de respektive sidene du har fascinert fra trinn 4. Når de er på rett sted, kan du skru dem alle inn.

Now you might go too far and over-tighten them. Remember that just enough tightening would work perfectly. Overdoing the job will only result in more damage.

How Do You Know If A Battery Cable Is Loose?

Once you insert the clamp into the cable and can still wiggle it freely, the cables are loose. If thats the case, the below section on how to tighten battery cables will be useful for you.

How Often Should I Check The Loose Terminals?

The answer to this question varies depending on how you use your vehicle. You will have to tighten the battery terminal more regularly if youre off-road.

Those terrains will require you to check and tighten battery cables weekly to ensure your baby is in good condition. Doing so will ensure a comfortable, safe trip and prolong its lifespan.

Also, whenever you notice your car starts sometimes and sometimes it doesnt , its the hight time to inspect the battery terminals.

Should I Buy New Battery Terminals?

) and pay more money.

Our advice is not to be so economical buying this stuff. En billig løsning som et alternativ vil ikke føre til samme effekt som de originale, og du må kanskje kjøpe mer fordi det ikke ordner seg.

Tips On How To Fix Loose Battery Cables

  • Always have your cables insulated so you wont experience any shorting. Also, as time passes, improper insulation might bring about corrosion that prevents your electric charge. The flow of electricity to your car will be discontinued. If you havent found time to have them insulated yet, try using electrical tape to cover them.
  • Be extremely careful while working with electrical parts. During the process above, always keep your metal tools far from you. Hvis de begge er i direkte kontakt med de positive og negative terminalene samtidig, kan det skade deg og skade bildelene og komponentene dine.
  • Forsikre deg om at du følger instruksjonene ovenfor og husker all nødvendig informasjon, for eksempel terminaltypen og de negative og positive kablene.
  • The shims can be a temporary solution when you need more time until you fix the problem entirely. Nevertheless, ensure they are the same metal and are secured tightly. Not matching the metal will lead you to signs of corrosion.


Refer to our step-by-step guide and tips for a successful DIY task.

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