Der er pludselige problemer, der opstår, mens du kører, såsom at stoppe problemer. Hvad ville du gøre, hvis dine biler boder omvendt ?

The most important thing is to stay calm because there are a range of causes leading to this condition, and you have to find out which one is yours.

Derefter ved du, hvad du skal gøre næste efter at have læst denne skrivning.

Mine bilboder omvendt - hvad betyder det?

skyldes for hurtig eller pludselig greb.

Automatisk jeepbås

Jeep -køretøjet er generelt svært at påpege grundene til kun at stoppe i omvendt.

Udover den almindelige funktionsfejl i iltføleren eller den dårlige tomgangskontrol, skal du tjekke din tændingsspole. Hvis det er beskadiget, skal du have en ny.

Når det kommer til den automatiske jeep, er den populære årsag til dens pludselige fiasko problemet i CPS, også kendt som krumtappositionssensoren.

Når krumtappositionssensoren ikke fungerer korrekt, fører den til fejlagtig, stoppende og dårlig motorfunktion.

Årsagen er, at der er en mangel på gnist i motoren, hvilket er nødvendigt for bilen at køre glat.

10 årsager og løsninger til køretøjsstopning, når de vender tilbage

If you are in trouble of stalling due to blocked injectors, use a cleaner to clean them properly, then start the car again. In more serious cases, you would need to have your fuel injectors replaced.

Vehicle Moving In Wrong Gear Direction

In some rare cases, your automatic car dies when put in reverse because it has moved in the wrong gear direction.

Specifically, if you are on a steep hill facing down and have the reverse gear started, your vehicle might stall.

The solution to this problem is to put the vehicle in gear correctly.

Guarantee the stability of your engine by using its handbrake. Then, restart your vehicle and remember to remove the handbrake prior to moving.

Clogged Fuel Filter/ Bad Fuel Filter

The second option is more economical, but it requires certain techniques.

Failing Ignition System

Spark-tændingssystemet påtager sig ansvaret for at tilvejebringe den højenergi-gnist, der er nødvendig for at antænde blandingen af ​​luft og brændstof under forbrændingsprocessen.

A faulty ignition system results in engine hesitation and engine misfires. Then, your automatic car stalls in reverse. It means you should have your car ignition system diagnosed.

Under nogle omstændigheder kommer rødderne af en dårlig forbrændingsproces, der fører til stalling, fra andre komponenter i dette system, som spiralpakken eller spiralpugetrådene.

How to repair? You should first locate the malfunctioning elements in the ignition system. If they get damaged severely, replace the new ones to get rid of stalling.

Failing Oxygen Sensors

Hvis du stadig får problemer med at stoppe efter rengøring, investerer det tid, du investerer i nye iltføler.

Denne proces er ret kompliceret; Således skal du henvende dig til fagfolk med nok færdigheder og erfaring til at installere den nye komponent.

Dårlig brændstofpumpe

Make sure your vehicles fuel pump discharges at accurate pressure. Or else, a malfunctioning fuel pump can be another reason for the issue of stalling in reverse as the fuel is not delivered properly.

Once the in-tank filter of this component becomes clogged, the liquid can not flow through and is even dislodged into the fuel pump.

This abnormal flow causes damage to the pump, which results in insufficient discharge and pressure. Finally, your car dies when backing up.

The most recommended way to solve this riddle is to replace the bad fuel pump with a new one.

A new pump can guarantee adequate pressure for transferring the liquid from the tank to the engine injectors or the carburetor.

Malfunctioning Idle Control Valve

In this case, you can go for a spray cleaner to clean the IACV . If this element has been damaged, dont hesitate to switch to a new one.

Remember to keep the adjusting screws untouched during the process. Or else, you may alter the ratio of air-fuel.

Transmission Fluid Line Clogging

When either your transmission cooler circuit gets clogged or the transmission fluid is bad, your automatic car would be stalling.

In an automatic transmission, there is no mechanical clutch but a torque converter, also known as a fluid coupling type, having the same function as a clutch in the manual transmission.

Besides, after a long time leaving your vehicle alone, there would be oil spillage from the torque converters through the clearance between the vehicles stator shafts and the input.

Your car stalls in reverse when cold because throughout a cold start, the oil goes to the converter, and the air becomes trapped inside this component. Thus, the system is locked up, leading to the stall.

Drivers are advised to reinstate the transmission fluid circuit of the car to the initial condition.

Meanwhile, altering the transmission oil or the malfunctioning cooler line will solve the stalling problem.

Damaged TPS Sensor

Based on the drivers actions, the car will then speed up or slow down. Once the TPS is failing during a start or the engine is idle, the data will be misleading when the ECM receives throttle input.

As a result, the IACV required for idle conditions can not be activated, and your vehicle will stall in reverse.

How to fix a damaged TPS sensor? Simply replace it to guarantee the input and control the throttle position directly.

Earthing Connection Problem

The issues in earthing connection would be another root of the problem that is worth your consideration.

When it comes to the corroded terminals, the earthing connection at some parts of your car will get poorer, causing numerous trouble codes.

These codes lead to the vehicle stalling after starting for a while or even do not allow your car to start under some serious circumstances.

Have an inspection for the problematic connection on the transmission housing or between the chassis earth point and the earth lead.

Rengør også jordpunkterne på dit køretøj for at eliminere problemkoderne.


Remember to hold the brake while stalling in the second gear to avoid serious damage. In the third gear, press your foot on the brake properly while some throttle is being applied.

How Can You Stop Stalling Your Car?

Ensure that you follow these tips safely to quickly solve the problem:

  • Once your vehicle begins juddering, put down the brake and clutch to save yourself.
  • If the engine cuts out, putting the handbrake on is the solution to secure the vehicle.
  • Start the vehicle again.
  • Find the bite and get ready to move.
  • Have an all-around check on your engine, even the blind spots.
  • Take off the handbrake to finish.


Take it easy when your car stalls in reverse; however, you should apply a relevant solution in time to secure your safety and the longevity of the engine.

Consider the information above, including the causes, effects, and tips for this problem to get a better driving experience.