Blocked Fuel Injectors

Particularly, when an automatic car stalls when put in reverse, it would be the result of clogged fuel injectors. The fuel injectors are directly influenced at the circuits receiving end of the fuel system.

Once the objects or particles from outside enter the pump strainer and the fuel filter, making it hard to turn, the injectors are disturbed.

When the fuel injector of your automatic transmission vehicle clogs, it can not operate properly as normal. In this case, the fuel just drops from the injector inside the cars piston cylinders.

As a result, there is an imbalance in the mixture of fuel and air in the housing, and your car will stall in reverse.

If you are in trouble of stalling due to blocked injectors, use a cleaner to clean them properly, then start the car again. In more serious cases, you would need to have your fuel injectors replaced.

Vehicle Moving In Wrong Gear Direction

Fuel filters play an important role in keeping the fuel delivery system functioning effectively.

Once this maintenance component is clogged by foreign dust flakes or dirt, the fuel pressure and its flow rate will decrease, leading to your car stalling when reversing.

There is no complicated method required to deal with this problem.

First and foremost, clean the filter regularly and have proper maintenance for this component. The dust or metal flakes should be kept at bay.

After an engine oil change and when the filter gets damaged or aged, replace a new one. You can either take your vehicle to the mechanic or replace the filter by following the manufacturers guidance.

The second option is more economical, but it requires certain techniques.

Failing Ignition System

Failing Oxygen Sensors

As the name implies, oxygen sensors are designed to sense the O2 in the exhaust gases. Then, this system sends the feedback to the ECM about how lean or rich the engine runs.

Once there is a problem with the oxygen sensors, the interpretation provided by the ECM about the fuel-air ratio when the fuel gets burnt in the combustion chamber will be misleading.

As a result, your car dies in reverse.

Dont worry, as the way to deal with a failing O2 sensor is simple. If the issue is not serious, you just need to clean the O2 sensors. Then, check whether your vehicle still stalls or not.

If you still get trouble stalling after cleaning, its time you invest in new oxygen sensors.

This process is quite complicated; thus, you should turn to professionals with enough skills and experience to install the new component.

Mauvaise pompe à carburant

with a new one.

A new pump can guarantee adequate pressure for transferring the liquid from the tank to the engine injectors or the carburetor.

Malfunctioning Idle Control Valve

IACV, ou soupape de commande d'air inactif, est une valve mineure exécutée par un moteur pas à pas, qui est surveillée par l'ECM (module de commande électronique) du véhicule.

The idle engine speed is maintained when the IACV bypasses the throttle butterfly valve to monitor the airflow.

However, IACV is located in the position allowing foreign dirt, dust, and oil matters to build up inside.

The buildups prevent the valve from properly operating to control the airflow, leading to the car stalling in reverse.

In this case, you can go for a spray cleaner to clean the IACV . If this element has been damaged, dont hesitate to switch to a new one.

Remember to keep the adjusting screws untouched during the process. Or else, you may alter the ratio of air-fuel.

Transmission Fluid Line Clogging

Votre voiture est en panne à l'envers lorsqu'elle est froide car tout au long d'un démarrage à froid, l'huile va au convertisseur et l'air est piégé à l'intérieur de ce composant. Thus, the system is locked up, leading to the stall.

Drivers are advised to reinstate the transmission fluid circuit of the car to the initial condition.

Meanwhile, altering the transmission oil or the malfunctioning cooler line will solve the stalling problem.

Damaged TPS Sensor

TPS stands for throttle position sensor, which lies on the throttle block.

Sa fonction consiste à détecter l'entrée de la limitation reçue du conducteur et à transférer ces informations à l'ECM du véhicule pour le réglage du mélange à carburant à air.

Based on the drivers actions, the car will then speed up or slow down. Once the TPS is failing during a start or the engine is idle, the data will be misleading when the ECM receives throttle input.

As a result, the IACV required for idle conditions can not be activated, and your vehicle will stall in reverse.

How to fix a damaged TPS sensor? Simply replace it to guarantee the input and control the throttle position directly.

Earthing Connection Problem

These codes lead to the vehicle stalling after starting for a while or even do not allow your car to start under some serious circumstances.

Have an inspection for the problematic connection on the transmission housing or between the chassis earth point and the earth lead.

Also, clean the earth points of your vehicle to eliminate the trouble codes.


Does Stalling Damage The Car?

Ça dépend. Which gear you have your car in when the stalling happens will decide whether the vehicle is damaged or not.

Regarding the aged engine, your car has minimal or almost no risk if it stalls in the first or the neutral gear.

In the first gear, the possible damage occurs when there is high horsepower, and the transmission ratio is short.

Remember to hold the brake while stalling in the second gear to avoid serious damage. In the third gear, press your foot on the brake properly while some throttle is being applied.

How Can You Stop Stalling Your Car?

however, you should apply a relevant solution in time to secure your safety and the longevity of the engine.

Consider the information above, including the causes, effects, and tips for this problem to get a better driving experience.