Discover that your battery has gone dead when you are in a hurry for work. Che peccato! What can you do about this problem?

Maybe your relatives and friends live so far away that they cannot give you a helping hand. Can you recharge your battery? And how to charge a car battery?

The answer is an absolute YES! However, charging a car battery is not always a piece of cake. Wrong methods can adversely reduce the cars longevity or make your vehicle mess up on the way.

Follow us to recharge your battery with detailed steps.

What To Consider Before Charging A Car Battery

, which is drastically hazardous.

Now, lets learn how to charge car batteries .

Come caricare una batteria dell'auto - istruzioni complete dall'inizio alla fine

Indipendentemente dal tipo di batteria prescelta, assicurati di seguire i manuali dei caricabatterie e monitorare da vicino per evitare la sovraccarico.

Passaggio 4: scollegare e rimuovere la batteria

Per una riparazione e manutenzione sicuri, ricordati di scollegare la batteria. Rimuovere i terminali negativi e positivi, rispettivamente.

Puoi anche caricare la batteria senza rimuoverla. Tuttavia, se è difficile raggiungere o adattare i cavi di ricarica, si consiglia di eliminare.

Passaggio 5: pulire i terminali della batteria

Sporcizia o sporco sui terminali frenano la forte connessione tra i cavi di ricarica e la batteria. Ecco perché dovresti pulirli accuratamente.

Un panno bagnato imbevuto di bicarbonato di sodio o carta vetrata può aiutarti a spazzare via tutta la ruggine e il sporcizia. Per una forte carica, i terminali dovrebbero essere metallo nudo.

Non usare mai la pelle nuda per toccare i terminali, specialmente con la presenza di polvere bianca/blu su di essi. It is dried sulfuric acid, which burns your skin on contact.

Besides, check and tighten the battery terminals to ensure later operation.

Step 6: Use A Trickle Or Speed Charger

The charging surface should be well-ventilated, so open your garage windows or doors.

Then connect the two items by attaching the chargers black cable with the batterys negative terminal. The red one should be linked to the positive terminal correspondingly.

Mixing two terminals will damage the battery.

Step 7: Set Up The Charger

Modern digital chargers show the existing battery voltage and help you set the final level. Yet, your older models are designed with on and off settings only.

To choose the charging speed, you should opt for speed chargers. This option is more suitable for a dying battery. On the other hand, a battery dead several times will need a slower method.

Step 8: Check The Battery

You can also revive by driving your vehicle around. Your car battery wont hold a charge regardless of your effort? We bet its time for a new one.

A Quick Recap

Long story short, the best method on how to charge a car battery should depend on its state: how dead it is.

A healthy battery voltage falls between 12.4 to 12.7 volts. On the other hand, lower figures mean your car has run into a problem.

So depending on your car batterys condition, you should strictly follow our recommended steps for high safety and charging efficiency.