You can try doing a few simple checks at home before taking it to a repair center. Your inspection can somehow support the qualified technician to catch the problem more quickly.

Check The Hydraulics System

Hydraulics system and brake fluid are among the typical warning messages of a broken second brake.

So, as the first step, check the condition of the hydraulic valve and the brake fluid. Leaky hydraulic fluid or clogged hydraulic lines are what you should pay attention to.

Check Relating Brake Components

No abnormality detected in the hydraulic lines? Lets move on by checking all related components, especially the master cylinder and brake calipers.

You may mark the installation fault or wear, then have them serviced or replaced if needed.

Diagnostic Scanner Test

A diagnostic scanner is a useful modern device for car owners.

Koblet til kjøretøyet via OBD, kan enheten diagnostisere kjøretøystatusen og lese feilminnet så vel som de registrerte dataene på kjøretøysystemet. Even better, it will announce drivers the time for the brakes replacement.

This device is used in professional auto repair shops, so you can count on its accuracy.

The diagnostic scanner is no longer a rare product on the market. Car owners can consider buying if their budget allows.

Check Cruise Control

Damaged cruise control will not be able to detect the crash signal, therefore not decelerating the car in such a case.

Car drivers can unintentionally hurt the battery while trying to restart cruise control. We suggest that it should be fixed by a qualified technician.

Pre-collision Brake System Malfunction How To Fix?

Your practice can reset the vehicles electronic system, including the pre-collision brake.

Hvis du ikke får et positivt resultat, ta det med til et servicesenter som den siste utvei for å behandle funksjonsfeil i pre -kollisjonssystemet Toyota Camry 2020 .

How To Reduce The Risk Of Pre Collision System Malfunction Toyota?


In sum, the brake system always needs priority because it partly saves your life when emergencies suddenly happen.

Take action now to detect and repair the secondary collision brake system malfunction as soon as possible. That way, you can reduce the risk of injury due to traffic accidents.

Always ensure the brake system operates well and consistently during every trip.

This way, you not only protect yourself but also the rest of the passengers in the car.