El mal funcionamiento del sistema de frenos de colisión secundario puede causar un mayor riesgo de accidentes. Sin la protección de este componente, los conductores enfrentan fácilmente lesiones graves que pueden dañar sus vidas.

Thats why drivers can not hesitate to have a specialized auto service center fix it, especially when your job is to pick up passengers, tourists, etc.

¿Hay alguna forma confiable de detectar un sistema de frenos de colisión de segunda colisión roto? No se preocupe, ya que vamos a proporcionar información clave en las próximas secciones.

Señales para detectar el mal funcionamiento del sistema de frenos de colisión secundaria

Los beneficios de los frenos son tan importantes que debe detectar cualquier problema lo antes posible. Puede identificar fácilmente un freno roto a través de los 4 letreros a continuación.

Efecto de freno inútil

After the primary crash, the vehicle continues to rush forward without any reduction of current speed, causing continuous collisions with other vehicles on the road or other objects.

Es la advertencia más típica y precisa de un segundo sistema de frenos que funciona mal. Sin embargo, es demasiado tarde si esperas que esto realmente suceda. Tendrá un riesgo considerable de lesiones graves.

Operación repentina

El segundo sistema de frenos se activa inesperadamente a pesar de que no hay colisión. También es extremadamente peligroso cuando conduces por la carretera.

Su auto se ralentiza o incluso se detiene repentinamente en el camino. Es posible que otros vehículos que se muevan a alta velocidad no puedan frenar a tiempo y chocar contra su automóvil.

Intensidad de freno demasiado contundente

Cuando el frenado entra en vigencia, el vehículo puede desviarse a un lado, sin mantener la trayectoria original (líneas rectas).

También necesita prestar atención; Existe una gran posibilidad de que ambas pinzas de freno delantero no se liberen .

¿Qué causa el mal funcionamiento del sistema de frenos de colisión secundaria?

The pressure drop in the brake system due to leakage in brake lines is also a notable case.

Brake fluid can drain through the holes located on the brake line.

This way, no pressure is generated regardless of pressing the brake pedal. The whole brake system and the calipers are on the verge of damage.

The master cylinder can face a problem too, enabling the fluid to flow into the seals. Not only does this error decrease the brake efficiency, but worse, it also neutralizes your brake.

Blocked Hydraulic Lines Or Valves

Brake fluid can draw moisture through the brake hose into the hydraulic system.

Como resultado, la humedad puede dañar, atascar las válvulas del sistema de frenos antibloqueo y corroer las superficies internas sensibles de las pinzas de frenos y los cilindros de las ruedas.

Poor quality brake fluid also contains air, making the brake pedal spongy or insensitive.

If the brake fluid is not drained from the system, it can cause a second brake system to malfunction over usage time. Thats why you need to flush the brake fluid properly .

Electronic Fault In Control Unit

Check The Hydraulics System

Hydraulics system and brake fluid are among the typical warning messages of a broken second brake.

So, as the first step, check the condition of the hydraulic valve and the brake fluid. Leaky hydraulic fluid or clogged hydraulic lines are what you should pay attention to.

Check Relating Brake Components

No abnormality detected in the hydraulic lines? Lets move on by checking all related components, especially the master cylinder and brake calipers.

You may mark the installation fault or wear, then have them serviced or replaced if needed.

Diagnostic Scanner Test

A diagnostic scanner is a useful modern device for car owners.

Connected to the vehicle via OBD, the device can diagnose the vehicle status and read the fault memory as well as the recorded data on the vehicle system. Even better, it will announce drivers the time for the brakes replacement.

This device is used in professional auto repair shops, so you can count on its accuracy.

The diagnostic scanner is no longer a rare product on the market. Car owners can consider buying if their budget allows.

Check Cruise Control

Pre-collision Brake System Malfunction How To Fix?

pre collision system malfunction Toyota camry 2020 .

How To Reduce The Risk Of Pre Collision System Malfunction Toyota?

Toyota is extremely proud of the excellence of its pre-collision systems, aided by sub-features called Brake Assists - extra braking power and seatbelt pretensioners - automatic seatbelts in a crash.

Besides the main function of accident minimization, this system can also reduce the seriousness of a collision.

Claimed to reach the top quality, Toyota PCS still exhibits certain weaknesses, leading to malfunction possibility.

To minimize the risk, always bear in mind to regularly maintain your vehicle at reputable service centers or Toyota service centers.

We sincerely advise that you take the initiative to check and prevent errors from the vehicles brake system. It will be too late if you detect brake failure in the collision.

No matter how modern it is, the collision brake systems electronics are sometimes flawed. It does not absolutely guarantee avoidance of accidents and serious injuries for the driver.

As the final word, we hope you should not rely on the brakes too much. The best way to protect yourself is to drive safely and obey traffic regulations.


as soon as possible. That way, you can reduce the risk of injury due to traffic accidents.

Always ensure the brake system operates well and consistently during every trip.

This way, you not only protect yourself but also the rest of the passengers in the car.