1968 Ford F-550

Sale price: $12500,00 make an offer

Technical specifications

Type:Flat bed commerical
Fuel Type:Gasoline
Interior Color:Beige
Number of Cylinders:8
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I am selling a great vintage running 1968 Ford F-600 flatbed truck withsides. It's a 2 tons truck. I bought the truck three years ago from twobrothers who owned a farm and sold their farm. The truck was mainlyused to carry sheep within 1 mile. The truck was originally owned by awell-known rodeo rider in Fresno. His last name was Waller and on thedoor shows Waller Ranch Fresno. I have met two people at vintage trailerrally and they recognized the truck. They were surprised to see thetruck still exist. I was told that his family still lives in Fresno. Ibought the truck to tow my vintage trailer but sold the vintage trailer,so I really have no use for the truck. It would be a great farm truckto carry barrels, animals, hays, and many more. I have invested a lot ofmoney and hours making the truck into a great running condition. Theworks done on the truck are:
Engine: The engine is a 361 V-8 with 4-barrel Holly carburetor. Theengine is original with 49,000 plus original miles. I replaced new fuel pump,fuel filter, flushed radiator, fresh coolant, new radiator cap, new oilpan gasket, oil filter, fresh oil, new oil pressure switch, watertemperature switch, new battery trays, new dual horns, new batteryswitch, new deep cell battery to run lights when engine is off, newspark plug wires, new spark plugs, new distributor cap, rotor, point,replaced air compressor oil, and was finely tuned.
Brakes: There are two kinds of brake boosters. The truck is currentlyusing original vacuum booster with brake fluid. There is another airbrake booster that operates brake fluid for the truck and air brake forthe trailer. The air brake booster was rebuilt and is not connected tothe brake system. You can do that yourself if you plan to tow aheavy-duty trailer that uses air brakes. There are two pipes with capsin the back of the truck to supply air to the trailer. I replaced allnew brake shoes, spring kits, wheel cylinders, brake fluid lines, mastercylinder, wheel bearings, seals, and brake fluids.
Transmission: They are original and works great. The transmission is 8speeds (4 high & 4 low.) I replaced new gear oil in the rear end andtransmission. The transmission is manual. All U-joints has beengreased.
Exterior: The original paint color was white, Mr. Waller painted thetruck to cream white with logo on the doors and added cool pin stripes.There are some small rust areas and it was not my concern. I liked thelooks of an old vintage "tank" truck. I repaired the wiring for alllights to work. I replaced 5 new roof clearance lights. I replaced allNOS Dietz 276 Red & Amber lenses for the turn signal. I added 4 usedDietz 276 lights in the back to light up the bed with 4 NOS Dietz 276clear lenses. I replaced 6 NOS Yankee clearance marker lights (2 reds& 4 ambers) on the sides. I replaced 2 new taillights. I installednew 2" X 10" X 17" Douglas fir woods on the truck bed and it is verysolid. I replaced some gate pockets and installed new 4 feet stakes,latches, and 1" X 6" Douglas fir wood. I custom build a door on the leftside for an easy access to get on the truck bed. Two new mufflers andpipes from the headers to the top of the bed frame to make it look like asemi-truck. There are 3 fuel tanks, the original 25 gallons tank isbehind the seat, the tank was cleaned, replaced new sending unit, wiringand hoses. The second square tank (I think 50 gallons) on the left sidewith a step was cleaned, replaced new sending unit, wiring, and newhoses. The third-round tank (I think 50 gallons) was cleaned, does nothave sending unit but is used as a storage tank to supply fuel to thesecond tank. I added an electric fuel pump with switch to pump fuel tothe second tank when the fuel is low in the second tank. Isn't thatcool? I replaced all 4 new Monroe shocks, 6 new tires, and 2 new mudflaps. There are 3 different trailer connectors (round 7 prongs, flat 7prongs, and round 4 prongs.) They all are wired and works. There arevarious kind of trailer hitches.
Interior: The interior is very clean compared to when I first bought thetruck. I stripped the whole interior and replaced new headliner, seatcover to vintage fabric, 3 used Ford seat belts, new floor mat, new doorarmrest/handle, new rubber seal for the doors, new rubber seal for thewindshield & rear window, new boots for the stick shift &parking brake, new glove box, new dash pad, new switches for back-uplight, clearance lights, truck bed lights, new dome light lens, newvoltage reducer switch, cleaned all gauges, repair some wiring, and newrear view mirror. There are two separate gauges, the original gauges areon the dash and they are reconnected and worked for a while then stopped working. This is related to voltage reducer and I like the secondary gauges under the dash, they all are connected and works. The horn buttonworks, and the air horn works too.

The truck comes with an original manual, original wiring diagram manual(very hard to find), new replica shop manuals. The truck is currentlyregistered to December 31, 2019 and comes with original black/yellowcommercial plates. I have clean title on hand to transfer to new owner. Iinvested $18,500.00. It's a very strong commercial truck and well spendto make it run another 50 years. The truck needs to go!!!!!!!!

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