Sale price: $16000,00
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Technical specifications
VIN: | 18345VF20203 |
Manufacturer: | Volvo |
Model: | 1800 |
Year: | 1967 |
Type: | Coupe |
Fuel Type: | Gasoline |
Color: | Blue |
Mileage: | 101864 |
Transmission: | Manual |
Interior Color: | Blue |
Engine: | B20 |
Number of Cylinders: | 4 |
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RustFree Volvo 1800 1800S 1967 with fresh B20
I amthe second owner this rust free 1967 Volvo 1800s originally fromCalifornia/Arizona and have had it for about 8 years. The engine was recentlyupgraded to a rebuilt B20 (.015 over) that was fully balanced and heads portedwith a Tinustuning brand TT4 mild street camshaft. Has new clutch,rebuilt clutch cylinder, new slave cylinder, hardline and flex hose. Thedistributor was rebuilt, the carburetors were re-bushed and rebuilt. Thefuel line and pump are new, tank inspected and fuel sender resealed. Thetransmission is in excellent shape and shifts very smoothly. It wasrecently resealed including all o-rings and oil seals as was the overdriveunit. The rear end was also resealed including pinion and axleshaft oil seals, bearings re-greased. The prop shaft was rebuilt with newu-joints and center bearing before being balanced. The front end wasrebuilt, including the steering box, along with new bushings and steering rods.The car has V-Performance springs and Bilstein shock absorbers. Mostof the suspension bolts and many other bolts have been re cadmium plated(original finish).
Alltires including the spare were replaced this year with correctly sized Nexen165-80-R15 tires.
Whileimportant to keep the car original the 2 fuse electrical system was updated forbetter circuit protection with minimal changes to the wiring harness (can bereverted to original). The generator was updated to an alternator withupgraded 6ga wiring to the battery and from battery to distribution panel and a4ga starter wire (all fused). The ignition switch has a new key cylinder andwas modified to allow for a new ignition coil fitted in the original coil'shousing so the coil looks stock and is easily serviceable. The ignitionswitch now has a relay to control the accessories instead of all power beingrouted through the switch. I also updated the horn (which has a new wire),headlight flasher, and overdrive with modern relays. Battery was replaced witha new sealed Champion AGM Type 27.
Thebrake system has been updated with all new steel brake lines and flexconnections. It also has the 1968 dual circuit master cylinder along with a newbrake booster for the front circuit with the rear circuit controlled by anadjustable proportioning valve. The front brake calipers, rotors and padsare also new. The rear has new wheel cylinders and shoes. This car also has asecond mechanical brake switch which activates off of the pedal in parallelwith the original hydraulic brake switch, illuminating the brake lights instantlywhen the pedal is depressed.
Theradiator is in excellent shape and was flushed with the heater core and has allnew hoses. The car warms up nicely and sits at around 185-190 degrees(stock 180f /82c thermostat). The heater fan was also replaced with amore modern unit (the original Electrolux fans are of poor design and oftenfail).
Ibelieve this car had A/C added by the dealer but was removed before I tookownership. It has a two belt front pulley and I have a Ron Foltz A/C kit(bracket and pully) included with the car to allow the future owner to add inA/C if they desire.
Thedash pads were recently replaced with VP-Autoparts reproduction units (notcheap covers) and they present excellently. The gauges will need servicing asthe tach does not function, the speedo reads high, and temperature gauge senderneeds new sensors (I was planning to send them to Nisonger Instruments). The oil pressure gauge appears accurate. The clock does not work. Theinterior was redone in blue before I purchased it and shows its age. Thedriver side window scraper, felt rail guides, and vent window rubber werereplaced and those parts for the passenger side are included in sale. Side rear window rubber is dry, new pieces included in sale. The interior wasthe last part of the project but I am moving out of state am unable to take thecar with me.
Thebottom of the battery box had minor corrosion that was repaired when the enginebay was repainted to match the original car color. The exterior is anolder re-spray with minor blemishes as seen in the photos. This is a very solidcar and I tried to take pictures of rust prone areas including behind the wheelwells to show how rust free this car really is. The original VIN plate (Iwas going to get it refurbished), owners ID card, and original dealerlicense plate frame are also included along with various other paperwork. The car has a stainless steel Ferrita (Swedish) sport exhaust.
Mileage:101864. Miles exceed mechanical limits of odometer it's most likely rolled overonce
I amhappy to show the car to prospective buyers and welcome a PPI at my home. Thecar is located in New Jersey.
Depositto be paid by PayPal, cash or bank wire for the remainder.
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