Zahlreiche Probleme mit Ihrem Fahrzeugmotor und fehlerhaften Sensoren auftreten, und Ihr Auto beschleunigt nicht über 60.

Wenn Sie die Ursachen dieses Phänomens nicht benennen können, liefert dieses Schreiben eine Liste mit vollständigen Details unten.

Berücksichtigen Sie die Indikatoren und nehmen Sie die relevante Lösung auf, wenn Sie mit schlechter Beschleunigung in Schwierigkeiten geraten.

Warum mein Auto nicht über 60 beschleunigt wird: Ursachen und Lösungen

Emergency Brake Engaged

When the emergency brake is partly or fully engaged and presses the brake pads on the rear tires, it will begin to drag. In this case, you should disengage your emergency brake.

However, it is better to take your car to the mechanic to check the rear brake pads, wheel drums, and bearings.

Guarantee that high temperatures and friction did not warp these components. Or else the car will not go over 60 mph .


Once the fuel in the tank is nearly used up, there is not enough power required for your cars acceleration.

At the same time, bad gasoline may be formulated with debris or dirt, which clogs up the filters and lines.

There are even further issues caused by gas at an inappropriate octane for the car.

Then, your car will not accelerate past 60 due to fuel issues. Thus, remember to have the tank refilled with relevant types of fuel.

2. Dirty Parts

Sobald der Luftfilter verstopft oder schmutzig ist, kann die Luft nicht wie erwartet durch das System fließen.

Daher sollten Sie diese Komponente anhand der Ratschläge des Mechanikers ersetzen, um Verstopfungsprobleme zu vermeiden.


Die Funktion der Kraftstofffilter besteht darin, den Motor vor Schmutz, schmutzigen Flocken oder Schlamm zu sparen, die im Gastank aufgebaut werden.

Wenn der Kraftstofffilter verstopft ist, kann die Flüssigkeit nicht an den Rest des Fahrzeugs übertragen werden.

Außerdem beschädigen Dreck und Fremdpartikel auch die Komponenten.

Dies führt zu einer schlechten Beschleunigungsleistung, und Ihr Auto wird nicht über 60 Uhr fahren . Ändern Sie in dieser Situation den schmutzigen Kraftstofffilter, um dieses Problem zu lösen.


Die Funktion eines Kraftstoffinjektors besteht darin, der CAR -Brennkammer einen ordnungsgemäßen Kraftstoffbetrag zu liefern.

Wenn dieses Element jedoch verstopft ist, ist der Kraftstofffluss inpaart, was zu einer schlechten Motorleistung und zu beschleunigten Problemen führt.

Sie können es reinigen, indem Sie ein Kraftstoffinjektor -Kit verwenden oder einen Reinigungszusatz zum Gastank hinzufügen. Wenn Sie nicht geschickt genug sind, bringen Sie es zu einem Fachmann, um zu analysieren und zu reparieren.

Massenluftströmungssensor (MAF) oder Sauerstoffsensor

Der Massenluftströmungssensor misst die Luftmasse, die in die Kraftstoffeinspritzung gelangt, und sendet die Aufzeichnungen an das Auto -ECU.

Dank dieser Informationen erhält der Motor eine relevante Menge an Kraftstoff für das Verbrennen.

When the MAF sensor or the O2 sensor goes wrong or gets clogged, it produces incorrect reading, which will then affect the acceleration and your car wont go over 60.

The typical signs of its malfunction are abnormal power jolts, poor fuel economy, lean idling, or black fumes released from exhaust gasses pipes.

3. Technische Schwierigkeiten

Limp Mode

Once the limp mode is activated, your car wont accelerate past 60. This mode is also known as a limp home mode acting as an element for preservation.

Its function is to take you home, get to the mechanic, or safely off the road without engine destruction.

This element is accompanied by a check engine light and can get triggered by numerous things. Most of those cases need to be analyzed by qualified professionals.

A Bad Clutch

A clutch system of a modern vehicle has a durability of more than 100,000 miles.

When the clutch does not function well in engaging the engine with transmission fluid, there will be acceleration problems happening.

Once the vehicle speed varies with no deceleration or acceleration during heavy carriage or uphill driving, it results in either low levels of transmission fluid or a bad clutch.

The slipping clutch also overheats the surrounding parts, and the car wont go above 60 .

Problematic ECU

ECU stands for the Electronic Control Unit , which is the vehicles brain.

This component calculates all the information and readings transferred from the sensors and then adjusts the fuel as well as the energy output.

When vehicle sensors are out of order, the air intake or pollution identification readings will go wrong. It is time you take your vehicle out for a professional check.

Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) Malfunction

The TPS, or Throttle Position sensor, has a great influence on the engine intake system.

It monitors the valve opening angle of the throttle valve controlled by the accelerator pedal. The data after detection will be sent to the engine ECU of the vehicle.

When the TPS fails, the accelerator pedal can not control the speed of the engine properly. In this case, acceleration will not help the car reach a higher engine speed.


The timing belt is one of the key components in your engine. When one tooth is off or misaligned, the power level will decrease, and the acceleration gets affected.

Besides the problems of misalignment, the malfunction of a worn-out timing belt hinders the accelerating process.

Bad Catalytic Converter

The catalytic converter functions to guarantee the exhausted gas is eliminated from the engine. Thus, the gasses are trapped in the vehicle engine housing when the converter malfunctions.

The blocked gasses produce great pressure leading to the power loss of the engine.

Under more serious circumstances, it can catch fire. Thus, turn off the engine immediately when the engine has a thumping noise or releases a sulfur smell.

Compression Issues

There are vacuum lines designed to support clean fuel and air delivery to numerous parts of the vehicle.

When the compressor or at least one of those lines is failed or broken, it causes the malfunction of the engine and the acceleration.

Particularly, it is likely that the car wont go past 60. In these cases, the best solution is to take the car to a mechanical shop for careful analysis and repair.


Should I Ignore Acceleration Issues?

Although acceleration issues are not extremely serious, it does not mean you should ignore them.

If you do not make any adjustments or repairs, the problematic acceleration will never be removed; instead, the mechanical issues worsen and increase the chances of accidents.

Most drivers do not equip themselves with professional knowledge and skills for analysis and fixing.

Thus, pay attention to the signs of failed acceleration and take your vehicle to an expert as soon as possible.

Do I Need To Take My Car To A Professional Mechanic When It Doesnt Accelerate?

To new or amateur drivers, it is recommended to ask for help from an expert when your vehicle does not accelerate. As mentioned above, there are a wide range of reasons causing acceleration problems.

Although most of them include common wear and tear issues, do not drive too slowly to prevent accidents or financial fines.

Warum ist das Fahren zu langsam gefährlich?

Try to have a permitted speed even when you have accelerating issues to guarantee the safety of yourself and surrounding drivers.