Iridium vs Ruthenium spark plugs : whose performance is better? Though the latter (apparently) excels in durability and inflammability, assigning a winner in the other categories is a bit of a challenge.

To better grasp how these two fare against each other, turn to our examination of Ruthenium vs Iridium spark plug below.

1. Durability

Hypothetically, Ruth coils are unbeatable in terms of durability. Some short-term studies have concluded that their lifespan extends far greater than any other spark plugs in the platinum family.

Nonetheless, as previously mentioned, these models have just started going mainstream in recent years, so their potency is still an unconfirmed issue.

On the other hand, Iri counterparts may last long or short, depending on your vehicle type. Some withstand up to 120,000 miles, while others can stretch to 60,000 at best.

Still, the incredibly corrosion-resistant property of Iri (as mentioned) earns it a plus point

Picking a winner between Ruthenium vs Iridium is quite a challenge here, but we still lean a bit into Ruth in the end.

2. Inflammability

In contrast, Iri might not be of much help during the vehicles crank-up. Still, it lends incredible support to throttle application and acceleration processes.

So which one to choose, Iridium or Ruthenium spark plugs ? Whether Ruth or Iri is better should depend on your priority.

3. Fuel Efficiency

This time, Iri has outplayed Ruth - an outcome you have probably guessed already from our analyses above. Iri coils reduce the effort needed for combustion, resulting in boosted fuel economy.

Ruth is a bit lacking in this aspect, but its by no means half bad. Indeed, its fuel efficiency might pale at normal paces but tends to surge on the highway or at maximum speed.

Assess your preferences and priorities to pick from Ruthenium vs Iridium spark plugs.

4. Design

Should you turn to Ruthenium or Iridium spark plugs ? Well, our answer remains the same: ask yourself which criterion you want to emphasize more.


kämpft darum, vor dem Glätten zu beginnen.
  • Sogar seine Leerlaufperioden sind laut und zurückgeblieben.
  • Manchmal Fehlzündungen des Motors.
  • Das Auto steigt plötzlich ohne Vorwarnung an.
  • Ihr Kraftstoffverbrauch ist überdurchschnittlich.
  • Die Automobilbeschleunigung ist nicht so reibungslos, wie es sein sollte.
  • Summengeräusch beim Beschleunigen
  • 4. Wie reinige ich Zündkerzen?

    Nehmen Sie zur ordnungsgemäßen Reinigung einige Drahtbürsten (oder Spray-On Cleaners) auf, die ausschließlich für diese Stecker hergestellt wurden. Eine weitere großartige Alternative besteht darin, hartnäckige Rückstände mit einem starken Messer abzukratzen.

    Niemals, und wir sagen niemals, verwenden Sie Schussblöder oder Schleifmittel für diese Aufgabe, oder sie werden die Materialklebung vollständig zerstören.


    Unser Artikel hat die Ruthenium -Zündkerzen gegen Iridium ausgiebig kontrastiert, um Ihnen mehr Einblicke in ihre Funktionen und Fähigkeiten zu bieten.

    Though both shine in their respective strengths, in the end, what choice to opt for depends on your preferences, car model, and budgetary limits.

    Turning to the manufacturer/car dealer or a professional expert can also speed up your decision-making!For more clarifications regarding the issue of NGK Ruthenium vs Iridium , feel free to contact us.