Om du har en manuell växellåda, börja med din bil i neutral och se till att parkeringsbromsen är förlovad. Det är avgörande om du vill starta motorn med en fjärrstart .

Men hur använder jag en fjärrstartbrytare ordentligt?

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Om en fjärrstartbrytare

De grundläggande delarna av denna gadget är kablar och den enkla tryckknappen. En tändningsomkopplare liten ström som strömmar genom en smal täcktråd aktiverar en elektromagnet.

De två omkopplingskontakterna dras sedan samman av elektromagneten, vilket möjliggör överföring av en betydande mängd kraft via betydligt större ledare belägna i motorrummet.

För att uttrycka det enkelt är ett par trådändamål att snurra motorn utan att verkligen starta den. Utan att komma ut ur bilen kan du använda den här för att hitta motorerna Top Dead.

Det tar också bort kravet på hjälpare med olika motordiagnostiska aktiviteter.

Hur använder jag en fjärrstartbrytare?

To utilize a remote switch, you must successfully operate each component of this gadget. Below are short guidelines on how to hook up remote starter for you!

Exterior Starter Relays

  • Step 1: You must set the gearshift to the parking mode (P letters) and apply the parking brake.
  • Step 2: Find your vehicles starting relay. You can locate it directly above the batteries on the firewall of the engine compartment.
  • Step 3: Determine the starting relays wires. Remember that there will be two sizable connectors, one of which charges the battery terminal and the other leading straight to the engine starting motor.

There are also one or two tiny connections on the starting relay. They power the relay, which connects the contacts and powers the starting motor.

  • Step 4 : Attach one alligator clip (an alligator connector) to the battery positive terminal electrode. The switch will receive electricity as a result of this.
  • Step 5: Install the other alligator clip from the switch on the starting relays tiny connection. The starter will then be starting or cranking due to the links of the starter relay.
  • Step 6: Pressing the remote switch button is the final step. At this point, the engine should start turning on and cranking but not moving.

Built-in Relay on Starter

the starter has burned out .
  • Step 3: Find the connectors on the starter in this step. One substantial electrical connector is drawn straight from the positive battery terminal, while the other is drawn from the ignition key.
  • Note that your remote starting switch may be connected in about two minutes.

    • Step 4: Hook the crocodile clip (an alligator connector) to the large battery power adapter and the small ignition adapter, respectively.
    • Step 5: Get out from underneath the car before flipping the switch.
    • Step 6: The engine should start when you press the remote starter button hook up.

    Vanliga frågor

    When your engine is damaged, it makes it harder for the engine to start and results in it locking up because of how it troubles to start.

    That is also a response for those who wonder: Can a starter lock up an engine?

    If you are in that instance, you could break the bank in reparation costs.

    Will A Remote Starter Work With Key In Ignition?

    Our answer will be a big No. An actual key in the ignition is not necessary for a remote car starter to work. The control module is hooked into your ignition switch connection and other starting systems, enabling this.

    You may connect with the control module using the buttons on your remote transmission after the system is set up.


    You know how to use a remote starter switch now, right? Its crucial to ensure the component is functional in automobiles employing that technology. It is a typical procedure for maintaining a car.

    We hope our remote starter switch tutorial has given you the knowledge you need to address starter relay problems that prevent a vehicle from starting.

    And now that you know what to do, you may take out a faulty starting motor and test it by swapping out relays with burned-out contacts or relays that are too old.