Subaru is a reputable Japanese car company, building consumers trust through its consistent quality cars.

However, in recent years, customers have often complained about the decrease in engine performance. Therefore, many Subaru seekers always consider which Subaru engines to avoid when purchasing.

We will point out major issues that appear in subpar engines.

Besides, we will provide a few more information about the Subaru boxer engine issues. Scrolling to the end, you may find some helpful things in the FAQ section.

Are Subaru Engines Reliable?

Subaru is not an exception. So, apart from the list below, Subaru is still a car brand you can consider.

Which Subaru Engines To Avoid?


The Subaru EJ25 is commonly installed in Subaru Forester and Legacy lines, and it has the most errors. The engine includes two forms: a naturally aspirated 2.5-liter boxer engine and a twin camshaft.

Major issues are still oil-related, including oil combusting, oil shortage, and head gasket failure.

Typically, these errors appear due to external agents after long usage. At Subaru, the inconsiderate engine engineering is the reason behind it.

As a result, the quality, performance, or endurance is not highly rated.

3. Subaru EJ205/EJ207/EJ20G Engine

Wir fahren mit dem Motor fort, der mit Ölproblemen von Subaru steckt. Unlike the two names above, engine oil leakage is a common error in EJ205/EJ207/EJ20G Engine, resulting from the clogged rings.

Subaru tried to comfort the users by its explanation about more premium oil and fuel quality. However, most of the customers consider it an excuse.

Besides, the air-conditioned intercooler seems hit-and-miss since it can not cool down the engine core during operation, especially in high-load performance.

If the engine, unfortunately, experiences overheating, it will remain until fully damaged.

Subaru Engine Problems

This error occurs depending on the structure, especially the material of the head gaskets.

Graphite-coated head gaskets have been found in vehicles with damaged engines. This shells adhesion is considered unstable, gradually fading after about 100,000 miles.

Discarding this adhesive means that the head gasket is more vulnerable.

Responding to the customers disappointment, Subaru has replaced the graphite head gasket with an uncoated multi-layer head gasket.

Oil leakage occurs most often in the 2.5-L engine EJ25D- a common built-in component of the Subaru Forester, Legacy, and Impreza line.

Oil and Coolant in the Chamber

A Boxer engine (also known as a flat internal combustion engine) is an automobile engine in which pistons and cylinders are arranged horizontally and symmetrically.

Die Kolben werden auf demselben Flugzeug platziert, sodass ihre Bewegungen wie Boxer aussehen. Thats how the engine has been named after.

Through the symmetrical horizontal structure, when the Boxer engine is operating, the two piston sequences will generate opposing forces, thereby canceling each other.

This operation offers a comfortable drive, a higher performance as well as durable longevity.

The problem lies in the engines motion which is not smooth and harmonious.

Besides, this engine is built with 2 heads. It requires two rows of cylinders, so the production cost will be much more expensive.

Subaru designed the Boxer Engine with a wide range. The structure expands horizontally but flattens in height (like a wide rectangular block).

This design triggers many difficulties in engine layout. The manufacturer had to build its own chassis with more complex calculations to install the Boxer engine.

Other drawbacks to mention are short rods and small bases, which have obstacles in withstanding heavy loads.

The rod pistons are also more likely to break down. In addition, the installation or repair of the engine is not easy and economical.

Why Do Subaru Engines Fail?

The fuel pump is cracked, hindering the process of power generation for the engine, so it may become sluggish, vibrate strongly, or make a loud noise.

You can expect the engine to suddenly stop while the car is running, easily causing accidents on the highway.

Many drivers wonder why their check engine light becomes glowing.

That could be a sign of failure, and its time to replace the fuel pump . Ascent SUV, Impreza, or Legacy are still models with this condition.

Thats not the end of the story. Over 200,000 Subaru (Impreza and Subaru Crosstrek) models have their engines damaged due to the vehicles computer system.

The computer part was initially programmed with no finesse and precision.

Specifically, it does not stop supplying power to the ignition coil even when the motor is turned off.

Besides unnecessarily boiling the engine, it also induces electrical issues, such as fuse explosion, short circuit, or sudden engine power loss.

PCV valves are also the culprit of Subarus failed engines, namely cracks or separations. Split pieces of the PCV valve or oil can pass through that omission to enter the combustion chamber.

Not only causing excessive oil consumption, but the whole engine is also quickly degraded over time.

Operating with an PCV valve error, the cars engine is difficult to activate, vibrates, or shuts down. A jammed PCV valve can cause the Check Engine light to come on.


In welchem ​​Jahr hat Subaru Motorprobleme?

2017-2019 ist der Zeitraum, in dem Subaru-Modelle die meisten Probleme haben, nämlich den Subaru-Forester, den Impreza und das Erbe.

Der Subaru Forester 2017 wird aufgrund seines schwachen Motors in Verbindung mit elektrischen Problemen nicht empfohlen.

Das Batteriesystem drückt eine schlechte Lebensdauer aus, die flackert, wenn das Auto noch nicht einmal 30.000 Meilen erreicht hat. Die Funk- und Navigationssysteme sind ebenfalls unzuverlässig.

Die Herstellerwanzen in den Jahren 2017-2019 schließen die Imprezas-Linie nicht aus.

Die Probleme hängen nicht nur mit elektrischen Problemen und Computerprogrammen zusammen, sondern auch mit Motorkomponenten wie geknacktem Ventil -PCV oder geknackter Ölpumpe.

Besitzer dieser Modelle bemerken häufig, dass das Scheck -Motorsignal aus unsicheren Gründen kontinuierlich aufleuchtet.

Welcher Subaru -Motor hat Kopfdichtungsprobleme?

Was sind die Nachteile eines Subaru -Boxermotors?

Die beiden größten Probleme mit dem Subaru -Boxer -Motor liegen in der Größe des Boxermotors und der Reparatur/des Austauschs.

Der Boxermotor ist massiv und nimmt viel Platz ein, insbesondere in der Breite. Daher wird die Herstellung eines bestimmten Rahmens an dieser Komponente als teuer angesehen.

Reparaturmänner müssen auch mehr Zeit und Mühe verbringen, um ein Problem eines Boxermotors anzugehen.

Der Boxermotor ist als flacher Form strukturiert, von dem Motorköpfe, Nockenwellen, Kopfdichtungen und sogar Zahnriemen doppelt so hoch sind wie ein gerader Motor.

Der Raum, um den Motorkopf zu erreichen, ist relativ eng.

Wann immer Sie die Kopfdichtung oder andere ändern möchten, muss der Motor herausgenommen werden, was kompliziert und zeitaufwändig ist und Sie erheblich kosten.

Was sind die Vorteile eines Subaru -Boxermotors?

Darüber hinaus ist das Getriebe dank des CVT -Automatikgetriebes auch effizienter.

Eine reibungslose Beschleunigung ist nicht mehr außerhalb Ihrer Reichweite. In der Tat ist der Boxermotor für den Fahrbegeisterten äußerst geeignet.

Wie viele Meilen dauert ein Subaru -Boxer -Motor?