Engine joint noises are prevalent in almost every vehicle. Thus, there is no need to worry if your car only makes a small clunking sound from time to time.

But when it comes to loud clicking noise when driving straight , it is an entirely different story!

After a couple days of no improvements, inspecting its causative factors should be your next move. Our article will lend some practical tips for you in such regard. Coba lihat!

Why Does My Car Make Loud Clicking Noise When Driving Straight?

Cylinders filled to the brim with gear oil or transmission fluid also lend helpful support in this task.

They create strong resistance against the pistons, taking in a significant portion of road impacts, accompanied by a spring coil.

And what happens when these trusses get broken or jammed? Of course, the suspension fails to soften the roads impact.

Selain menimbulkan bahaya besar pada kendaraan, defisit seperti itu mengakibatkan mengklik kebisingan saat mengemudi lurus atau berdebar -debar selama perubahan kecepatan .

3. Loose Hubcaps

Due to loosened nuts on the rims, your brake pads will have much larger space for shaking, wiggling, or turn-making.

This instability generates a series of clicking sound when driving straight - audible inside the brake rotor.

4. Loose Drive Belts or Driving Belt Tensioners

Which compartments take charge of connecting the alternator , A/C, and automatic transmissions to the engine? Our answer is none other than drive belts, which supply energies for this function.

At the same time, the drive belt adjuster helps secure it firmly for better performance.

Dengan demikian, pelonggaran apa pun dilarang, atau sabuk akan berdesis terhadap mobil, membuat suara aneh yang terdengar seperti itu memancarkan langsung dari kompartemen mesin.

5. Incorrectly Inflated or Designed Tires

But that is far from the truth; a size-incompatible left tire will create tire noises like drowning sounds and tire clicking when driving.

Selalu pastikan ban ini memiliki spesifikasi dan inflasi yang tepat, dan gantinya segera jika Anda mengamati robekan, menggembung, atau keausan yang abnormal.

How to Fix The Loud Clicking Noise?

selama beberapa sentimeter.

Langkah 2. Lepaskan tombol katun dan mur gandar

Sekarang, mari kita periksa apakah roda memiliki mur poros defisit yang memerlukan pelepasan. Bagaimana cara melakukannya? Pertama, lepaskan tombol Cotter dari mur poros (jika mobil memilikinya).

Tombol ini menyerupai pin pengaman dengan ujung belakang yang melengkung untuk menahannya di tempatnya.

Selanjutnya, gunakan tang untuk meluruskan ujung tikungan, memungkinkan mereka meluncur dengan lancar. Untuk tombol yang lebih keras, beralihlah ke pelumasan untuk lebih banyak dukungan.

Setelah tombol Cotter melepas dirinya sendiri, sekarang saatnya untuk mengungkapkan mur gandar.

Kacang poros bervariasi dalam ukuran; Dengan demikian, pastikan Anda memiliki bermacam -macam dimensi soket yang Anda miliki, memaksimalkan peluang untuk memperoleh ukuran yang benar untuk mobil Anda.

Langkah 3. Tempatkan gandar baru ke dalam sambungan CV

Gunakan batang atau obeng untuk mencabut sambungan CV. Lacak bersama dengan poros belakang untuk mencapai titik tabrakan antara sambungan dan gearbox.

Putar linggis Anda dan hancurkan segel sebelum menempatkan gandar baru ke dalam sistem. Put a container beneath to avoid excessive leaking.


2. Berapa lama sendi CV saya bisa bertahan begitu mereka mulai membuat kebisingan?

Given no technical issues, these CV joints may last four months (or even five for higher-end models). Once the six-month benchmark approaches, take the car to a technician for on-time fixations.


Our guidelines have discussed causes and solutions for the loud clicking noise when driving straight . For those with moderate technical skills, you may refer to our instructions for manual repairing.

But if you have no experience with these issues, it is best to count on professional help as soon as possible.

Still struggling with certain aspects? Feel free to reach us right away.