Open-stuck thermostat failure means it doesnt retain the fluid level inside long enough. Therefore, it is difficult to get your automobile warmed up.

There are limits on both the lowest and highest temperatures. Engines dislike running cold, so many leave their cars idling in the winter.

The general problem with a bad thermostat is it cannot keep the temperature gauge at a stable lever (at about 220 - 230 degrees Fahrenheit).

Do not use the vehicle when you face a car thermostat sticking . What you should do is a thermostat replacement. So for a thermostat stuck closed quick fix , what can you do?

How To Unstick A Thermostat In A Car

Some fluid will leak, so you should have a bucket nearby to capture it and restore it to the radiator when youre through.

Step 3: Remove the clamp.

Step 4: Pull off the hose.

Step 5: Remove the old thermostat.

Examine the new one and its gasket alongside the old set. If the new thermostat and the gasket do not agree with the used one, return to the retailer to get the correct ones.

Step 6: Lay the new gasket in place.

Remove the gasket that was surrounding the hole in which the thermostat was situated. Scrape away any stuck parts of the gasket, but take care not to accidentally cause them to drop into the hole!

Step 7: Put in and secure the new thermostat.

Remember to put the spring-side down; after that, change the bolts.

Step 8: Replace the hose and hose clamp.

Screw your hose clamp down securely but not so tightly that it cuts through the hose.

Step 9: Replace any fluid leaking from the hose.

Make cautious not to spill it on the surface where it might hurt children or animals. If you unintentionally spill fluid, remove it well before hosing down the area, and then dispose of the rag inside and seal the bag.

What Causes The Thermostat to Stick?

Old Or Dirty Engine Oil

Old or unclean engine oil can cause the thermostat to become stuck when closed, preventing coolant from properly circulating.

Its advisable to keep an eye on your engine oil level then top it off as needed.

Gdy okaże się, że filtr nie działa prawidłowo lub na gromadzenie się brudu, możesz zmienić filtr oleju bez zmiany oleju , chociaż zaleca się zmianę obu.

Coolant Needs A Replacement

A thermostat can become stuck in one position due to old coolant. This is due to the coolants inability to flow in a free manner.

Kiedy to nastąpi, termostat może utknąć po otwarciu. W wyniku tego silnik przegrzeje się. Aby tego uniknąć, najważniejsze jest aktualizacja chłodziwa co kilka lat.

Wadliwy termostat

Nieprawidłowy termostat można przypisać jego kodom niskiej jakości i uszkodzeń. Dostajesz to, za co płacisz, więc tani termostat może okazać się śmieciami i powodować problemy dla Twojego wrażenia z jazdy.

How to Tell That the Thermostat Is Stuck

Leakage Of Coolant

Another sign that the thermostat has a problem is leaking coolant. When damaged, this part will not allow liquid to flow but is trapped in the closed position.

Może to spowodować wyciek chłodziwa przez uszczelkę między chłodnicy a zbiornikiem, wycieka z obudowy zaworu lub przez przewód i do podwozia pojazdu.

How to Check A Stuck Thermostat

Aby sprawdzić termostat na zewnątrz samochodu, możesz umieścić go w garnku z wodą na kuchence, zawiesić termostat na wpół submerowany w zbiorniku na wodę i nie pozwól mu upaść na dno garnka.

At this time, observe the temperature change on the thermometer.

Jeśli termostat jest nadal zamknięty, gdy woda gotuje się w zakresie 190 - 195 stopni F, to zawór ten jest uszkodzony i należy wymienić.


The thermostat, in particular, and the cooling system, in general, are the important parts of cars during operation. A stuck thermostat might cause severe issues to your vehicles.

We hope our blog has given you a clear guide on how to unstick a thermostat in a car and you can do it on your own after reading this one.

You should regularly monitor for signs of damage to the thermostat to conduct maintenance and repair when necessary. This is to ensure that the car always operates stably.

Investing in required automobile upkeep is never unnecessary. In return, you may enjoy a smoother journey without fear of unexpected mishaps.